Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Whip It/Derby Girl by Shauna Cross

Originally published in 2007 as Derby Girl, Whip It was made into a film in 2009 directed by Drew Barrymore.

Bliss Cavendar is an indie-music-loving sixteen year old, stuck in the tiny town of Bodeen, Texas. Her mother is obsessed with beauty pageants and Bliss' only outlet to the "cool world" is traveling to Austin, Texas with her best friend Pash. In Austin, she discovers roller derby, which flips her world upside down for the better.

This book is not as well-written as Shakespeare but it is laugh-out-loud funny. It has a certain charm and Bliss' observations about the world are infused with the unmistakable sarcasm of a moody teen. 

The plot holds one's interest and the book is full of great descriptions of roller derby, a sport about which I previously knew little.  

This book is simply easy to read and enjoyable and does not require your full attention. I rate the book four out of five stars, because while it is fun and fairly well-written, it is not phenomenal. 

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